about Barry Gallegos
Love to photograph!I travel around the US - and the world when possible - and I carry my camera everywhere I go.
I love to collaborate with people - male, female - I just recently moved to Washington State so I'm looking to collaborate with some new people in this area. I've had the pleasure of working with many people over the last 10 years I've been in the digital medium.
All images on Model Society will remain COPYRIGHT to bcgphoto and may not be used or reproduced in any way without written permission of bcgphoto.
Violating copyright law is punishable by fines, plus all associated court & attorneys fees. All of the photographs contained within this web page are provided strictly for your viewing purposes, exclusive to this web page. None of the photographs contained within this web page should not be reproduced, copied, transmitted, altered or projected in any way alone, or with other images, by use of computer or other electronic means, without a prior written and signed licensing contract between you and bcgphoto.
Thanks for the pic comment. Magnificent work yourself.
Barry -
Thank you for your comment on my photo of Nymph Smiles is lit by natural light through the window but I covered up the background because there was a lot of distractions. Sometimes it's just got to be about the model.
Thanks again,
I love the use of nature in your images to create contrast and bring about the true beauty of the model and the image. Very talented thank you for sharing..