I am a classically trained fine art and boudoir photographer. I've been shooting for almost 2 decades, although live has made me put my camera down a few times.
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I am a classically trained fine art and boudoir photographer. I've been shooting for almost 2 decades, although live has made me put my camera down a few times.
Greetings, I too am a Model Society member and want to let you know about a photoshoot I am hosting in Colorado Springs May 25. The shoot site is a fabulous location, Sun Peaks Center for Art and Sustainability, with amazing natural surroundings and equally amazing indoor settings. The genre for the shoot is nude and implied nude. There will be two models, Chelsea Marie and Everyn Darling, from Denver. Both are wonderfully talented and experienced models. The shoot schedule will include two 2-hour shoots with each model. There is a limit of four photographers. The cost is $475 for the day to cover model costs and other expenses. Please let me know if you are interested or if you have any questions. You can also reach me via email: ksmered@msn.com
Some great work here! Love the timed flash amidst the movement. (There's a name for that technique, but it's late on a Sunday night and I'm about out of serotonin for the day.)
Thanks also for adding my image with Spencer to your list!
Welcome to Model Society! We're loving your portfolio, beautiful work! Can't wait to see what else you create here within the community :) We're here to help if you need anything along the way!
Thank you very much, I'm honored to part of such a wonderful community.
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Greetings, I too am a Model Society member and want to let you know about a photoshoot I am hosting in Colorado Springs May 25. The shoot site is a fabulous location, Sun Peaks Center for Art and Sustainability, with amazing natural surroundings and equally amazing indoor settings. The genre for the shoot is nude and implied nude. There will be two models, Chelsea Marie and Everyn Darling, from Denver. Both are wonderfully talented and experienced models. The shoot schedule will include two 2-hour shoots with each model. There is a limit of four photographers. The cost is $475 for the day to cover model costs and other expenses. Please let me know if you are interested or if you have any questions. You can also reach me via email: ksmered@msn.com
Thanks, Kurt Meredith (KSM)
What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!
Thank you very much! Its very much appreciated. Love your work aswell!
Some great work here! Love the timed flash amidst the movement. (There's a name for that technique, but it's late on a Sunday night and I'm about out of serotonin for the day.)
Thanks also for adding my image with Spencer to your list!
Thank you! and my pleasure! Your work is great ! thanks for sharing with the world :)
Thank you! and my pleasure! Your work is great ! thanks for sharing with the world :)
Very Beautiful work here!! Fascinating Images!!
thank you very much :)
Thank you for your comment!!
Glad to see your work here !!
Thank you! Your work is incredible!
Welcome to Model Society! We're loving your portfolio, beautiful work! Can't wait to see what else you create here within the community :) We're here to help if you need anything along the way!
Thank you very much, I'm honored to part of such a wonderful community.