Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Alan H Bruce

Photographer / Artist
Model Citizen
I am here to share my work and to inspire and be inspired by others. The overarching idea is to create work that may be considered universally beautiful, thoughtfully posed models in... more
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Alan H Bruce



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Alan H Bruce Model Citizen

about Alan H Bruce


I am here to share my work and to inspire and be inspired by others. The overarching idea is to create work that may be considered universally beautiful, thoughtfully posed models in beautiful and majestic landscapes.


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  • Very nicely done!!

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

    • I’m trying to keep the hand, the eye, the mind and my heart - in one place…

  • Alan, I remember you from DeviantArt! I always loved your work, especially your eye-ravishing captures against that gray wall, love them all. You have an exceptional eye for the sensual pose and are a master with that edge light. And now to see your accomplished artwork... what a talent you are. It's an amazing body of work you have created. Time to make a book!

  • I can spend hours looking through your portfolio. Returning again will be easy to do. Great work

  • Thank you for following my work! I definitely look forward to seeing more of yours - I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your portfolio!

  • Your models have such strong posing skills and you manage to capture them with beautiful lighting and at just the right moment. Well done!

  • Thanks for following my work. Your images are wonderful

  • Absolutely stunning portfolio. I hope you are able to return to active shooting soon.

  • Thank you for the follow. I absolutely love your imagery.

  • Simple yet powerful imagery!

  • Gorgeous gallery! Beautiful work!

  • Beautiful photography.. I love how you capture the simple beauty of the model through use of contrast, creative lighting and pure skill.. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us by posting it here..

  • Wow. This is a truly inspirational collection of models, poses, locales. Well done.

  • incredible powerful pictures! I am a big fan.

  • Hey there, hope you're doing well :)

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