Model Society

a celebration of human beauty


Photographer / Artist
Model Citizen
Photographer based in Springfield, MA. I cut my teeth shooting dance, before moving toward figure photography with fine art leanings. My objectives in figure photography are to capture... more
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Adero Model Citizen

about Adero


Photographer based in Springfield, MA. I cut my teeth shooting dance, before moving toward figure photography with fine art leanings. My objectives in figure photography are to capture the endlessly spellbinding interplay between light, shadow, form, and shape, to pay homage to the structure and functions of the wonderfully complex machine that is the human body, and to demonstrate the power and dignity embodied within each of us. Any opportunity to meld other artistic mediums—including performance art and origami—with figure photography is a bonus.


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  • Such a wonderful body of work. I am inspired.

  • I appreciate the kind words, your work is beautiful

  • Love the use of subtle light and form! Great work!

  • Magnificent

  • Gorgeous work!

  • Beautiful images!

  • Thank you for your great compliment for my PF! I love your work very much! Kind regards from Ilse :-)

  • You have an unbelievably creative and beautiful portfolio.

  • Thanks for comment on my image "I love myself" was a twelve second open shutter where the model took one position first and then moved halfway through long open shutter and no image manipulation with a colored light for illumination.

    • Ah, that technique was my first guess, but not the 12 seconds--that had to have required a considerable amount of spatial awareness and precision--and not to mention timing--on your collaborator's part. And yours, for framing this so perfectly. I'd often thought to try something like this, but you've set the bar fairly high!

    • I had a lot of practice...the twelve second shot was the basis of the images for a book i self published...
      thanks !!

  • Thanks for your Tag on MM. Looking at your work there and here, I think we have a lot in common in our approaches. Beautiful work all around!!!

  • Wow, I love the artistry of your work.. so captivating, inspiring and amazing. I also love the playful nature that the origami animals bring to the image. The images tell a story and pay homage to your talent.. Beautiful, inspiring work.. thank you for sharing.

  • Beautiful portfolio! Love your use of the tiny paper figures and particularly 'Hop'! And thank you for your comments. Sorry it has taken me so long to respond.

  • Very nice.

  • Thank you for the warm welcome. It's good to be here! Hope all is well with you!

  • Thank you for the nice comment. You have a wonderful selection of images.

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