Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

I've modeled on and off for about 12 years, but it wasn't until I hit a dark period in my life when I realized what a crucial part it played. Modeling became a lifeline during the day... more
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The Capulet



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The Capulet

about The Capulet


I've modeled on and off for about 12 years, but it wasn't until I hit a dark period in my life when I realized what a crucial part it played. Modeling became a lifeline during the day to day struggles. A means to channel pain and emotion into works of art. In time, it grew into soul work and self-discovery.

I hope to create with other like-minded individuals.


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  • You've surely been here a while, but I'm just finding your work here on Model Society! Happy you're here - long time fan of your work!

  • "Soul Work," I love that. That certainly comes to the surface in every image. The depth of your work is palpable. Not to mention your extraordinary beauty.

  • I resonate with your "About" section and love the emotion you bring to your art! Gorgeous! Let's shoot!

    • Thank you so much, I hope to make it out to Texas one of these days!

  • Thank you for following me and showing your appreciation. Life’s lessons are hard, but usually sends us bouquets of learning.

  • Stunning portfolio - truly compelling images. When you are in the Washington DC-Baltimore area, please be in touch

    • Thank you so much Tony! Going to be in your area October 3rd-7th. Let me know if you'd like to work together!

    • I'll be in touch!

    • Sorry to say I've had to take a break from active shooting for a few weeks - my wife recently had surgery and I am her primary caregiver, so I'm cabin-bound until December. But PLEASE let me know about your next trip - I love the images in your port and want very much to work with you!

  • Art does pull us out of those holes. I had a similar experience having been away from shooting for years while raising a family. Picked it up again a few years ago and remembered what it was like to breathe again.

  • What an evocative name, and how daring. And yet you certainly have a portfolio that lives up to that highly set bar. My photography serves to bring my mind to another place than the darkness that naturally accompanies my day-job providing comfort, support, and care to the dying, bereaved, grieving, and mourning. Glad to read that your modeling does much the same for you, whatever brought about your need for that lifeline. Glad to have discovered your work with The Abandoned Dream (he added two of my images to his galleries here). Blessings to you, and enjoy the day!

    • Thank you so much Bill! I love the way the art world connects people.

  • very lovely works of art...I love ur dramatic emotions...I can feel the emotion and pain come through the poses....I love that!

  • Your images are Evocative, Thought-Provoking, and Captivating! Your Portfolio is Amazing, I Really Love Your Work, You have a follower!! It would be an Honour and Privilege to create with you one day! I wish you All the Best, and I look forward to seeing more of your Incredible work!!

  • Thank you for following me. I hope we can arrange something once I start scheduling art sessions again.

  • Wonderful emotion portrayed in these incredible images!

  • Welcome to Model Society! You have a beautiful portfolio. Looking forward to seeing what you create here with the community :) We're here to help if you need anything.

  • Welcome to Model Society! I'm enamoured of the intensity and the introspection that you project in your portfolio, absolutely magnetic!
    Very Best Wishes,
