about Shaun Tia
I am a professional, first and foremost. A photo shoot with me will guarantee great images.http://www.modelmayhem.com/dorkypyro
I started modeling to become art--when I am 80, old and wrinkly I want to have gorgeous art of mine hanging in my house.
I have a passion for modeling, photography, editing and makeup and am not afraid to show it.
You will also find my photography showcased here.
Great look and port.
Hi, lovely portfolio. Please let me know when you travel to my areas :)
I worked with her years ago. A beautiful and creative artist.
Outstanding and inspiring portfolio!
Absolutely breathtaking. Thanks for sharing. I'll be in touch next desert excursion.
Incredible work. Gorgeous set of images.
Beautiful portofolio!!!
Stunning work!
Such beautiful works by a lovely and talented model. Great portfolio!
How was it.....
I was it to work with one of the most beautiful models in the world.....Ivory Flame?
Exquisite work! If I'm still around, I'd love to shoot with you when you are 80! I bet you'll still be an incredible beauty. Meanwhile if your travel plans ever include Virginia, I'd be delighted to work with you!
Really nice port!
Age will not take away the beauty that is within you.
I so admire your ambition. The models I choose often have the same goal: to have a momento of the beauty of their youth.