Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

My path is one of self-discovery. I walk the earth in reverence for these sacred grounds, born from mother earth herself. With much gratitude I create in the visual realm, a reflection... more
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Reece de la Tierra



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Reece de la Tierra

about Reece de la Tierra


My path is one of self-discovery. I walk the earth in reverence for these sacred grounds, born from mother earth herself. With much gratitude I create in the visual realm, a reflection of the beauty I flow within. It is a joy & privilege to be born of woman form, healthy, wild & free to express myself. If I have a goal outside of being fully in the present moment of co-creation, it is to awaken people into a deeper love for nature & natural beauty. It starts from within. Every drop of sensuality drips from a source of deep feeling. And in this ocean of experience a creative expression blossoms & may be captured in the visual realm. In these raw states of connection with self & environment, breath & body, something magical happens. The sacred present moment unfolds right before our eyes. So yes, my journey as an artist is one of self-discovery. I experience what is within as I connect to inner & outer worlds. Strength. Beauty. Grace.

The last 10 years have been poetically nomadic. My recent past was strongly dedicated to an ancient art of alchemy through meditation at a Taoist temple in the mountains by a mystical Lake. Back and forth I popped into the States for creative visits & special tours round the world. My intention is to be of highest service to humanity & allll life on earth. I believe to do this is to be very clear of mind & pure of heart. At present, I am re-weaving the colorful threads of my reality with a tiny human in tow. In the near future, I will be back in the States doing some special shoots in the spirit of creative expression and alll the wild raw beauty that comes of it-- if you would like to work together in the future, please reach out and connect with me. I hope my portfolio is experienced as drops of visual love which open your heart & bless your mind <3
With love & gratitude,

IG @wildgypsylove


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  • Your love and passion for the art really shines. Every images is a masterpiece!

  • Your photos are Captivating, Powerfully Evocative, and Beautiful Beyond Imagination!! Your Portfolio is Inspiring, I Really Love Your Work, You have a follower!!

  • A very diverse portfolio of art

  • Your Soul and Spirit come alive in your work. Such wonderful images. I would love to work with you.

  • Stunning, Reece. Absolutely stunning body of work. I'm in awe, and I'm a fan! I should have commented on individual photos... but I'm out of superlatives to describe what you do. Thank you!

  • wonderful work

  • Your portfolio is a smorgasbord of powerful, exotic, natural beauty and feminine strength. You artist spirit comes screaming through your intoxicating images. If you are ever in the PNW....

  • I have loved, been moved by and been inspired by your work ever since I discovered Model Society. Every visit to your portfolio is a gift. Thank you so much for making this world more beautiful with your art!

  • Creating is a powerful tool to the soul. Reece, the model and muse, knows her way down that path as easy as breathing. A spiritual journeyer the likes I have not seen in anyone else. Unique!

  • Such wonderful work! Glad to have found you here.

  • when you return to the usa think about coming to california...i host models...would love to work with you !!!

  • Agreed love the bio...

  • Great work and the best bio I've ever seen.