about Rayne Tupelo
Retired traveling model - just modeling as a hobby now, primarily through selfies. Seeking TF collaboration with photographers whose work I admire, primarily in the New England / East Coast area. If you would like to work with me, please get in touch!
Would love to chat shop. I'm in Northern N.J. Any plans to visit?
What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!
Always great to see your work. Hope you're well, friend!
You're very lovely.
In the event you're still doing the modeling thing, I'd love to try & work with you before winter comes.
I'm so excited you like film! These days it's a rarity! :)
Excellent work! If you make it up to Michigan.....
Hi Rayne, I love the range of expression your seem to bring to your work... dramatic, playful, serene. Like an actress.
I live in NC but I'm often in FL with family. I would love to collaborate with you.