Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

I am a professional traveling model with over 10 years of experience in a wide variety of genres. I love to collaborate with new and experienced photographers alike. I have modeled for... more
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about Melancholic


I am a professional traveling model with over 10 years of experience in a wide variety of genres. I love to collaborate with new and experienced photographers alike. I have modeled for dozens of lighting, posing, and styling workshops and for hundreds of photographers of all skill levels.

I love the creative process, the controlled chaos of every shoot and the beautiful moments that are captured as the result of the interactions between artists and their environment. I believe art has the power to touch deeply and to heal, both for its creators and for its audience. I approach each shoot as an opportunity to discover something about myself, another person, or the world, and to express these as emotions through the art of posing.

If you are interested in working with me, please send me a message or email me at


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  • Stunning work. Please come to Utah ( Salt Lake City area)

  • Beautiful work. If you get to Vegas, let me know.

  • Please keep in touch with me. I see you're coming out to NYC 8/19 to 8/24.

  • Fantastic portfolio. Really interesting concepts.

  • I've loved your work for years. Keep posting.

  • You have so many remarkably beautiful photographs.

  • Wonderful body of work. Thanks for sharing.

  • Great drama!!!!!

  • Superb model and very prolific. I consider your collaborations with Rick Jolson a transcendence from the ordinary realm of fine art figure photography. You two have definitely found a harmonious symbiosis that works. Not to take anything away from your work with others; your portfolio here is so diverse and aesthetically stunning. I'd encourage you to produce a book or work with a publisher to get your work out to an even wider audience. I would be very interested in working with you if you travel to the West in the future (I don't think I'll be going East for a while). Thanks for sharing your "body" of work with us.

  • Really exceptional portfolio! Beautifully done and curated. Adding you to the featured members on the homepage. :)

  • Such a wonderful body of work.

  • i have looked at EVERY image in your portfolio. I have collected several of them into my gallery, "A Body of Art." Your images are stunning. YOU are briliant and beautiful. Well done! I'm a fan! Thank you for sharing.

  • Thanks for sharing your fine work

  • I have loved your work ever since I discovered Model Society. Your love and passion for the art of modeling really shines. Thank you for all you do!

  • You project a strong presence! Beautiful work!

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