Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

I have been modelling and creating my own art works for many years. My modelling carer which started in 2008 , now at the age of 51, I class myself as a mature model. I have been very... more
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Mark Jarvis



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Mark Jarvis

about Mark Jarvis


I have been modelling and creating my own art works for many years. My modelling carer which started in 2008 , now at the age of 51, I class myself as a mature model. I have been very lucky over the years to have worked with some very talented Photographers, models, Music video producers. . My journey into modelling hasn't been easy, as many may relate, you get a lot more no's than Yes's. I feel the human body should be celebrated, and the use of tasteful art / photography will help break down the stigma attached to nudity and show people that all body types are unique and beautiful.

Stats and sizes
51 yr old Male model
28in waist
34in chest
5'6" tall
8st 5lbs
UK shoe size 7
Blue eyes
Short Ginger greying hair
White skin / Freckles
White ethnicity
I have 2 tattoos

If you feel that you have project that I would be suitable for, then please reach out.


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  • Thanks for the follow. You have a lovely gallery!

    • You have a great portfolio of work. Thank you for your kind comment

  • Thanks for all the love!
    I am grateful you are here to share your art and modeling journey… The male nude model isn’t celebrated nearly enough and I believe it to be just as valuable as the female artists! Great work and I look forward to seeing more of what you create!

    • Thank you for your lovely comment Xainia. You have a wonderful portfolio of work, I will look forward to seeing more of your beautiful creations

  • Welcome to Model Society! You have a wonderful portfolio. Can't wait to see what else you create here with the community :) We're here to help if you need anything.