Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

I have been a professional photographic art nude model for 7 years. Before that I modelled largely for private artists. I adore the human form in its most natural state, in my opinion... more
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Lulu Lockhart



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Lulu Lockhart

about Lulu Lockhart


I have been a professional photographic art nude model for 7 years. Before that I modelled largely for private artists. I adore the human form in its most natural state, in my opinion that is when it is at its most beautiful.

My work is about showing the body in a more balanced light; it can be a temple of beauty, emotion, strength, survival and art (among many other things).

I particularly enjoy location work, when done at its best the harmony between natural lines and objects with the human body is mesmerising to me.


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  • Gorgeous work Lulu, as always.

  • What an amazing body of work!

  • Outstanding work! Lovely that you have a account on this platform.

  • Wonderful work!

  • Such beautiful work. It is wonderful to see you sharing your work here. You are very talented and the passion you have for the beauty of art is evident in your portfolio. Hopefully I will be able to return to the UK soon. I would love to work with you.

  • Super lovely portfolio. Extremely creative. The images you display tell me you know what comprises a great image. Pleasure to follow you.

  • So wonderful to see you here. the work we have done together has had so much positive feedback. and you continue to bring so much to your collaborations.

  • You have an excellent portfolio and I like your style. My compliments!

  • Hello Lulu...

    Sorry, stupid me didn't see that you're in the UK. lol... Good news is, my wife, and I, and another couple we know were wanting to plan a trip to the UK, either the end of this year, or earlier on next year! My wife also has a friend who lives in the UK; so, we'll be staying with him. I'd imagine there are many places you'd know where to shoot there; since, you're in the business! Of course, I'll keep you posted...

    Thank-you, too, for the compliment. ... Robert

  • You have a wonderfully beautiful portfolio (with some incredible landscape backdrops, I might add). Your joy and love of the art of modeling really shines. I look forward to seeing more!

  • Your work is amazing! I would love to work with you!