Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Creative model, photographer, artist and craftswoman from Wales, UK. I'm totally, madly, obsessively, thoroughly and truely in love with photography, whether I'm behind the lens, in... more
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about Leaf


Creative model, photographer, artist and craftswoman from Wales, UK.

I'm totally, madly, obsessively, thoroughly and truely in love with photography, whether I'm behind the lens, in front of it, or admiring the work of others! I am thinking about images and creating them in my head all the time.

I am passionate about the landscape - whether I am modelling within in, or taking images of it myself. I like to feel part of it, to feel the connection with it.
I am also fascinated by derelict buildings - I love to explore them, and create art from my images within them, working with the strong feelings evoked from inside them. There is such beauty in the decay - the way that nature takes over and reclaims everything.
I like very dark, moody, haunting, expressive, unsettling images. Narrative in images is important to me. I like for there to be some sort of purpose for taking the image (i.e. not taking images just for the sake of it).
Self portraiture is something I do a lot of. I love the challenge and the freedom to express myself, as well as being able to develop my own create ideas and personal themes.

If you'd like to work with me, please get in touch with me, on here, or via any of the other links listed here!
My main portfolio is on PurplePort - visible to members only sorry

Many thanks for looking!


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  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • You are very talented both as a model, and as a photographer. You make good art!

  • You have such a spectacular and beautiful portfolio.

  • would love to work with you your style is amazing

  • High Art!

  • I love how your images are a wonderful balance of nature and beauty. Your obvious talent and skilled use of lighting allow the canvas to come to life and speak to the viewer.. Excellent blend of harmony, beauty and grace. I have often wanted to shoot in an abandoned building, cabin etc Thank you for sharing your obvious talent..