Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Hello I’m Kate and I am an experienced model who throughly enjoys the art of the profession. My availability…. I’m free Most weekdays and some weekends - although weekends need... more
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about KatePop


Hello I’m Kate and I am an experienced model who throughly enjoys the art of the profession.

My availability….

I’m free Most weekdays and some weekends - although weekends need more notice.

So I’m pretty available and ready to work Smile

Can’t wait to work with some exciting photographers and create some art. I am a very experienced model - with 10 years of experience, I am patient and kind.

I am ambitious, confident and creative. I have a passion for modelling and have experience in editorial, commercial, and catwalk.

I have worked with a variety of photographers and I have had excellent feedback. I love modelling and I am highly ambitious - I would like to work with new and exciting people. I am an English rose and I think that my look is versitile and interesting.

*I do not do TF - sorry as this is my full time job 😊*

My rates are as follows:

I will consider the following for paid work:


£40 per hour

Half day booking (4 hours) £150

Full day booking (8 hours) £250

Implied/Art Nude:

£55 per hour

Half day booking (4 hours) £200 / Full day booking (8 hours) £350

I do not do full frontal nudity of any kind. I would ask that any photos that I deem to be distasteful in anyway be deleted. No photos of my genitalia or photos from behind will be acceptable.

I am easy to work with and enjoy creating exciting new images. I adore modelling and and I come from a strong artistic and theatrical background so I tend to create some interesting poses.

I have a lovely home in the black down hills and would be happy to shoot here - and I have access to some beautiful locations locally too.

I hold a full drivers license and willing to travel to shoots Smile

Please get in touch if you would like to shoot.

Kate Pop 🥤


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  • Lovely portfolio!

  • You have so many incredible photographs. Impossible to choose a favourite!

  • You have a really gorgeous portfolio.

  • Thank you 🙏 hoping to get the opportunity to shoot some fantastic art xx and meet some lovely togs xx

  • Welcome to Model Society! Your portfolio is wonderful. So excited to see what other beautiful things you create here with the community :) We're here to help if you need anything along the way.