about Jessa Peters
I am no longer accepting modeling jobs at this time. It's been a wonderful almost 20 years of modeling and I am ready to move on. I will be pursuing my own business full time from now on. I will do my best to answer inquiries here as I still have a desire to keep in touch with friends and connections I've made over the years, but please understand I will not be as active here and may take significant time to respond.
Your love and passion for the art really shines. Every images is a masterpiece!
Thanks so much!
Your photos are Incredibly Powerful, Resonate with emotion, and Immeasurably Beautiful!! I really Love and Admire your work! You have a newFollower!
Thank You! 🥰
You are Most Welcome, It's My Pleasure!!! I💓 I love the emotion you embody in your work, and your presence... it's Breathtaking & Evocative! It's a shame you're so far away, it would be an Honour and Privilege to create Art with you!!
Great work, skills and experience always show!
I appreciate it!
You are magnificent! Would love to shoot with you.
Looking forward to our shoot!
love your work i am in cushing texas and would love to setup a shoot at my studio for body scapes please let me know your availability and rates
Sent you a message :)
Your work is so deeply evocative. Please let me know if you're ever planning to be out my way, I'd love to collaborate!
Awesome Portfolio. Every image tells a story.
Thank You! I love giving that impression within imagery!
wonderful work!
Thank You!
Amazing body of work!
Thanks so much!
Your portfolio is beautiful, love the natural vibe coming from each image/pose
Thank You! :)
A fully lovely and intriguing portfolio. It is our pleasure to have messaged you with our casting call.
Glad to see you here Jessa! Welcome!
Glad to find a familiar face on a new platform! :)
Welcome to Model Society! We're loving your portfolio, beautiful work! Can't wait to see how you branch out into the community :) We're here to help if you need anything along the way.
Thank You :)
You have a gorgeous portfolio (same with your Instagram posts). I hope to see more!
Thank You! Thank you for following my work! :)