Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Model Citizen
Thanks for checking out my portfolio. I model for the arts, both visual and figurative. I consider myself a self portrait artist, and while many of my images are self shot, I love... more
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Jacob_Dillon Model Citizen

about Jacob_Dillon


Thanks for checking out my portfolio.

I model for the arts, both visual and figurative. I consider myself a self portrait artist, and while many of my images are self shot, I love working with other photographers and models and those images are represented in my portfolio as well.

My journey as a model began in 2014 as I decided to pose as a model for a figure drawing class. I started posing for different artist's groups and classes, and soon was approached about a photography project. I accepted, and thus began the start of my modeling for photography. Fast forward a few years, and my yearning for more knowledge inspired me to pick up a camera and work from the other side of the lens.

I've modeled for most every genre, but my love is the human form and art that can be created with it. A blank canvas, if you will, with endless possibilities to merge with existing form, or mold its own shapes and intricacies, from the simplest curves to the most detailed composition of angles and lines. I have a deep appreciation of how light and shadow have influencial roles in portraying what the eye or viewer sees.


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  • thanks a lot for following, Jacob

  • Love the poise and emotion you convey in each image!

  • Thank you for the kind words on my portolio. Your work is exquisite!

  • Gorgeous Work Jacob. Fantastic Portfolio.

  • Outstanding portfolio. Wonderful work on both sides of the lens. You are the standard to which I strive to reach.

  • Awesome work!

  • Great work! So glad to see such talent in a male nude model! Thank you for sharing your art!

  • Welcome to Model Society! You have a stunning portfolio. So excited to see how you'll collaborate with the community :) We're here to help if you need anything along the way.

    • I’m honored to be a part of this amazing community! Thanks for hosting a superb site to bring all this talent together!