Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

***Offering Bespoke Remote Shoots Worldwide*** Collaborate and create with me from anywhere in the world! See here for more info Modelling has been my... more
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Ivory Flame



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Ivory Flame

about Ivory Flame


***Offering Bespoke Remote Shoots Worldwide***
Collaborate and create with me from anywhere in the world!
See here for more info

Modelling has been my full time job for over 18 years, working for professionals and hobbyists alike, from photographers to painters, sculptors and designers.

I have natural red hair, clear pale skin, green eyes and a classic, renaissance figure. With a positive attitude, strong interest in creative imagery and expressive spirit, I work very hard and enjoy what I do.

I work in: Art Nude ~ Beauty ~ Fashion ~ Boudoir ~ Lingerie ~ Pin-Up ~ Hollywood Glamour ~ Bridal ~ Lifestyle ~ Conceptual ~ Historic ~ Underwater

I'm available for paid modelling assignments around the UK, Europe and worldwide. Please feel free to get in touch to discuss your project.


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  • One of the most eclectic, beautiful and talented fine art models on this planet!

  • Such a stunning portfolio. Really beautofil work!

  • Such a wonderful model. If you ever find yourself in Maine, let's please shoot!

  • what i will say. Every artist needs a muse whether its Leonardo da Vinci or Auguste Rodin. You are my muse not only that your classical approach and appearance in every photos take me to the high Renaissance world. When you pose in nature I find and cosmic connections between you and nature. Human form been well with the curves and straights

  • I used a laser projector for some of my bodyscapes.

  • Thank you! I love your port too!

  • Adore your old world beauty! Hope you come to Portland, Oregon on your travels!! I would love to book you and create some amazing art.

  • There are no words to describe how beautiful your portfolio is. You are amazing.

  • My god, I had forgotten how glorious and talented you are! Glad to find you on Model Society.

  • I've ever been a fan of yours since I started modelling! You're my example of this trade

  • After enjoying your images in one portfolio after another, it's such a pleasure to see your work here. In the world of art nudes you occur to me like a star.