Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Art nude model based in the west burbs of Chicago. I would love to hear your ideas and see if we are a fit! I don't have a ton of experience modeling - I've done only a few shoots so... more
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Eva Marie



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Eva Marie

about Eva Marie


Art nude model based in the west burbs of Chicago. I would love to hear your ideas and see if we are a fit! I don't have a ton of experience modeling - I've done only a few shoots so far - and I'm still working on perfecting a repertoire of poses.

My goal is to help the photographer achieve his/her vision. I come prepared, and I show up on time. Send me message!

Also interested in shooting with other models.


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  • Wonderful portfolio

  • You have so many incredible photographs. Impossible to choose a favourite! @guycarnegie

  • Beautiful Artistic Images!!

  • Lovely work. Would love to get you to the NE Ohio area for collaboration.

  • Lovely work. Would love to get you to the NE Ohio area for collaboration.

  • Lovely work. Would love to get you to the NE Ohio area for collaboration.

  • You have a gorgeous portfolio. I hope to see more!

    • Thank you! So lucky yto work with some amazing photographers!

  • So glad to see you here.

  • Exquisite~

    • Thank you very much... I have worked with some amazing photographers so far!

  • So glad I found you here. We'll make some special pics for this site.

  • Your photos are Captivating, Evocative, and Immeasurably Beautiful!! I Really Love Your Work, You have a new follower!

  • Welcome. I'm looking for models for outdoor projects this summer. Let me know if you're interested. I have several great locations in the Palatine/Barrington area.

  • Welcome to Model Society--Nice work in your portfolio here
    I use to live right down the road from your location

  • Welcome, you've found a great pace to get started!

  • Welcome to Model Society! Your portfolio is beautiful! Can't wait to see what else you create here with the community :) Let us know if we can help with anything along the way.