Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

I'm a photo model and illustrator living outside of Halifax. I enjoy posing for artists and workshops, and I enjoy traditional processes as well. Being outdoors is a love of mine.... more
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erin elizabeth



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erin elizabeth

about erin elizabeth


I'm a photo model and illustrator living outside of Halifax.

I enjoy posing for artists and workshops, and I enjoy traditional processes as well.
Being outdoors is a love of mine.


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  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • Your photos are Powerfully Emotive, Mesmerizing, and Immeasurably Beautiful!! I Really Love and Admire Your Work, You have a new follower!!

    • Really appreciate the kind words! Cheers :)

    • The Pleasure is Entirely Mine, You're Most Welcome!!! Your work is Absolutely Astonishing, and it's Always Lovely to meet a fellow Canadian!! It's a shame you're so far away, it would be an Honour & a privilege to create with You! Let me know if ever make it west to the U.S. East Coast.

  • Really love the works in your portfolio! Great stuff, well done!

  • A beautiful portfolio from a wonderful model.

  • Your portfolio touches my heart, not just as an artist, but as a human being. Thank you so much for sharing your art with a world that needs it.

  • Beautiful work, I love your posing and the emotion you bring to the photo as a canvas. Quite stunning and amazing work. Something for me to aspire too.. :)

  • Thanks for the kind works on my photography.

  • Powerful Portfolio

  • Thanks for your kind comment in one of my images

  • Wonderfully diverse portfolio. Always great to a model who is a real woman.

  • I find so much inspirational work in your portfolio.

  • There is so much beauty within your images, breathtaking portfolio xo

  • Your pictures are great as well as the setting in which they have been taken. Thanks for following my work.

  • I'm flattered you're interested in keeping tabs on my stuff coming in the near(ish) future ;). The work you're in all looks so *wonderful!

  • Lovely work. I love some of the settings too!

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