Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

I am a part of art. As a international travelling freelance model based in Czechia, my job is to express myself creatively and visually. Thankfully, I have more than 13 years of my... more
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about denisastrakova


I am a part of art. As a international travelling freelance model based in Czechia, my job is to express myself creatively and visually. Thankfully, I have more than 13 years of my life invested in mastering my craft! I started my first modelling experience at the age of 23, and over the years my business, vision, and life has changed and getting better ever day.

Through the years I have worked with thousend of photographers of any experience and level, clients, endless creative collaborators, and helped my photographers to reach their visual goals by my posing -- whether a elegant fine art nude, high fashion, sensual photography or just a classical portrait.

I am honored to create beauty and special creations through my poses and collaborations with talented artists - even with beginner or hobby photographers.

I have worked with clients ranging from Dm Drogerie Markt GmbH (Austria), Atlas GmbH (Germany), Stefanel (Czechia), Schwarzkopf (Turkey), Framesi (Croatia), Moto GP - Ducati (Italy), Andreas Bitesnich (Austria) and dozens more. I had appeared in magazines (online), Chicstyle (cover/Italy), Dark Beauty Magazine, The Nude Magazine, Cole, MDLS, Foto Video (cover/Czechia), Ceskoslovenska Fotografie (Czechia), The Guardian, Inspades Magazine, Fotocult, Dodho, Seduire, Graphis, Ion-Magazine, Fitness News (Austria), The Book (Czechia), Fuse Magazine ... Photographs with me have appeared on dozens of exhibitions around the world a cannot forgot also many photographs which won awards in international photographic competitions. I was also honored to be a model at many workshops and model events with amazing master photographers and organizers around the world. I am also the most credited model from whole ModelMayhem - feel free to check.

I was grateful, I am grateful and forever I will be grateful for this opportunity in the world of freelance modeling.

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✆ WHATSAPP | +420 728 66 77 65


YES possible - please contact me via email


MY BASE: I am based 1 hour from Prague and 1 hour from Dresden by car or slightly longer by public transportation. Travelling is not issue for me as I travel almost constantly.


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  • I had a fantastic shoot with Denisa on her recent trip to Australia. It was a fun, wonderful day long (and a long day!) shoot with another photographer.
    We shot in a few different spots and Denisa was amazingly creative in all of them. One incredible pose was followed by another.

    I love the images and highly recommend that if you have the chance to shoot with Denisa that you take it!

  • Denisa and I have worked together on a number of occasions and is a true professional, punctual, reliable and contributes positively. Denisa is engaged, authentic and demonstrates her passion for modelling. Cannot speak highly enough of Denisa and would recommend to anyone who has the opportunity to work with her.

  • Absolutely beautiful work

  • If you have the opportunity to work with Denisa Strakova please do it! Denisa is a very hard working, model, her energy and the ideas she brings to the plate once she understands the concept are amazing. She can convey emotion even behind a big rubber mask. You will get frame after frame of great imagery. Do not hesitate to work with her and be quick to book her because she barely has a free day when she is touring.

  • I met up with Denisa in Singapore recently for our 12th shoot together in the last nine years. It was another excellent and productive session, thanks to Denisa's enthusiasm, energy and modelling abilities. A beautiful lady with a beautiful personality.

  • I have had the privilege of working with Denisa on multiple occasions. She is truly amazing to work with, she always gives 100% and her focus and posing skill is second to none! I can't wait to work with her again!

  • I have had the privilege of working with Denisa on multiple occasions. She is truly amazing to work with, she always gives 100% and her focus and posing skill is second to none! I can't wait to work with her again!

  • Since 2015, I had the privilege to work with Denisa Strakova every year, in the studio as well as on location. It was a tremendous experience resulting in stunning photos each time. If you don’t know her already, you should look at her portfolio and book her 😉 I am looking forward to our next shoot

  • Hi Denisa. I have no idea if this is where to leave references on here but I can't thank you enough for shooting with me lady week.

    For others reading these notes:

    Our first shoot together, I was really looking forward to creating with Denisa and it did not disappoint. Her professionalism was first class from the pre-shoot communications and throughout our shoot.

    A true collaborator which is what I love about my photography she really worked with my mood board and improved on every concept with small suggestions here and there.

    Most of all what a wonderful person to spend an evening with. Can't recommend her highly enough and I will certainly be working with her again. I can't wait.

    Thanks again....
    Guy :)

  • Thanks for having the ability to follow your work here.
    Stunning images,
    Beautiful portfolio!

  • Truly beautiful and inspiring work!

  • Zajímavé portfolio a velice kompatibilní řekl bych :)

  • Such a stunning portfolio. Really beautiful work!

  • The emotional quality of your modeling is very powerful, beautiful, and engaging. Look forward to following your work and checking out your website.

  • Always amazing and beautiful work, this is what I call inspiration.

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