about CheyAlexandria
My name is Chey Alexandria, I'm a traveling freelance model whom does figure, fashion and art posing. I'm based on the West Coast. I absolutely love what I do. My passion is creating images that capture the human spirit. My portfolio ranges from tasteful nudes to socially conscious. I'm so grateful for opportunity to create art in community with photographers, makeup artists, stylist, etc. around the world! Let me know if you'd like me to travel to your city & I am available for international travel! I look forward to collaborating with you!!
Absolutely amazing portfolio! You have amazing range and creativity! Stunning physique and natural beauty! Look forward to seeing more of your amazing work!
What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!
Very nice.
What a stunning portfolio. So many gorgeous poses and images!
Your photos are Incredibly Powerful, Resonate with emotion, and Profoundly Beautiful!! I really Love and Admire your work!
Beautiful portfolio
Stunning look!
You have some remarkable images in your portfolio... a lot of variety. Really great poise.
Lovely work I hope to get back to Cali soon.
thanks for following me if you come to the Midwest on tour send me a message
Thank you for your follow. You have a lovely portfolio and I'm more than happy to follow you back.
Thanks for your interest . amazing poertfolio UK resident BTW
Truly awesome portfolio.
WOW! Your stunning looks & fabulous portfolio can only be described as amazinglygobsmackinglyhypermegatasticallysuperliciouslyfunkadelicallysplendiferousgorgeouslystupendous!
I am astounded with the number of extraordinary, outstanding, provocative and simply beautiful images you have created and have for us to peruse within your portfolio! It would be awesome to work with you one day! Truly magnificent work!!!