Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

I have been modeling for over 12 years and pride myself in doing a little bit of every kind of photography: high fashion, art nude, boudoir, bridal, figure drawing, etc. more
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about Bellatrixortreat


I have been modeling for over 12 years and pride myself in doing a little bit of every kind of photography: high fashion, art nude, boudoir, bridal, figure drawing, etc.


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  • Screams ART

  • I love the energy you bring to your images. It is beautiful, artistic and natural.

  • Such a stunning portfolio. Really beautofil work!

  • Kona sure looks great on you. I would love to work with you again. Guess I will have to plan a trip back to the Big Island.

    • Oh my gosh you absolutely should! I have so many amazing spots to go to. Send me an email and we can talk planning!

  • Such a beautiful portfolio. Congrats! So sorry to be so many time zones away!

  • A truly beautiful portfolio... Bravo! Wishing you well :)

  • Hello Bella, thank you for sharing your art here!

  • Your photos are Incredibly Powerful, Resonate with emotion, and Immeasurably!! I Really Love and Admire your work! It would be an Honour, and a Privilege, to create with you!!

    • Thank you so much! You are welcome to reach out for booking and travel info for the next time I'll be in your area. ^_^

    • Aww.... The Pleasure is Entirely Mine, You're Always Welcome!! That would be amazing, Thank You, I'll send you a message. Your work is Astonishing!!!

  • Stunning portfolio! Awesome if we can work together sometime in 2022!

  • Kudos to a model that make a brick wall look amazing. It appears you are also a model that can move. You are doing fantastic work here, thanks for sharing your portfolio here.

  • You have a truly gorgeous and captivating portfolio.

  • Bella - Thank you so very much for a wonderful photo shoot. You are a great pleasure to work with and singular and surpassing model of great talent and beauty. - David, The Warren Communications

  • Nice work. Please let me know if you ever head to the Tampa, FL area. :-)

  • An entertaining feast of beauty and grace!

  • Love the port!

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