Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Art model based in Greenville, SC, traveling the Southeastern United States. 6+ years experience modeling for photographers, sculptors and other visual artists, specializing in... more
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Angela Mathis



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Angela Mathis

about Angela Mathis


Art model based in Greenville, SC, traveling the Southeastern United States. 6+ years experience modeling for photographers, sculptors and other visual artists, specializing in boudoir, fashion, art nude and fetish.


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  • Thanks for the follow. You have a beautiful gallery.

  • you also have a wonderful gallery....

  • Great to see you on here Angela! Didn't realize we were so close to one another. We should collab sometime in the near future!

  • Your photos are Incredibly Powerful, Resonate with emotion, and Immeasurably Beautiful!! I really Love and Admire your work!

    • You're Always Welcome Angela, they're Well-Deserved!! I can see how your photographers bring out the best in you, but you're also the one posing in them... a sterling job by all of you!!! Your work is Amazing, never stop creating!!!

    • Thank you so very much for those kind words! I have to share the credit with the amazing photographers and artists that I am fortunate enough to work with. They bring out the best in me!

  • Zup?

  • Beautiful, enchanting and versatile ... all together, it was a pleasure to have collaborated with you. Hope to create new projects with you soon

    • You are an incredible artist and human being. It was a delight to work with you and I will welcome the chance to do it again.

  • Is it the smile
    Is it the Beautiful Art]
    Is it the Captivating Figure
    Maybe ,.... it is just all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Angela,
    Thank you for your kind acknowledgement of my work.

  • As I replied to you on my page; "Thanks Angela. I am biased towards voluptuous figure models without being overt about it. But I really love your work with STphoto, superb."

  • Thank you, Angela. I am a fan of your work as well.

  • Thank you

  • Yes Lady !!!

  • i would love to try and draw you!

  • Soooo highly creative and beautiful!

    • Hopefully in the future we will co create some amazing art!

    • Thank you so very much! I have been so fortunate to work with such talented photographers.

  • Love your portfolio!!

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