Experienced model - several years working for art class instruction in the Boston metro area, now focusing on working with professional artists. Part-time yoga instructor.
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Experienced model - several years working for art class instruction in the Boston metro area, now focusing on working with professional artists. Part-time yoga instructor.
I love collaborating with serious artists to explore the relationship between body, light, and framing.
Welcome to Model Society! You have a gorgeous portfolio. Can't wait to see the collaborations you'll form here :) We're here to help if you need anything.
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Hi Adam,
Please let me know I you are In NJ. Or not
Please feel free to email or tex me. I would like to start the conversation.
Great to see you here!
Welcome to Model Society! You have a gorgeous portfolio. Can't wait to see the collaborations you'll form here :) We're here to help if you need anything.