Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

I've always had a passion for art and the human figure, it wasn't until January of 2020 that I decided to take the leap from drawing the models to becoming the model. So far it has... more
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about Vittoria


I've always had a passion for art and the human figure, it wasn't until January of 2020 that I decided to take the leap from drawing the models to becoming the model. So far it has been the best decision I've ever made, and I'm so excited to keep learning and creating.


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  • Awesome work

  • Wonderful body of work. You are truly an inspiration.

  • Thank you to everyone who takes the time to comment and message, I truly appreciate the love as it motivates me to keep creating! I plan to make more of an effort to post and interact in the coming months.

    P.S. I accidentally deleted some comments because my phone was lame and glitchy and made it happen. If one of the owners of the deleted comments reads this, it's not you it's me!

  • Beautiful figure, very elegant !

  • Your photos are Captivating, Powerfully Evocative, and Beautiful Beyond Imagination!! Your Portfolio is Inspiring, I Really Love Your Work, You have a follower!!

    • Wow thank you so much! I really appreciate your passion:)

    • Aww... You are Most Welcome, It's My Pleasure! Should you ever travel to New York State please let me know, It would be an Honour & a privilege to create with You!

  • You like to explore ideas. Have a diverse and interesting portfolio because of your creativity. Look forward to seeing more of your beautiful creations.

    • Thanks! I've been thinking it's time to try some new things so stay tuned :)

  • Vittoria, I love your portfolio and your story! I found myself in this art form after years of drawing models as well!

    • Thanks so much! I'm going to check out your portfolio now :)

  • Beautiful portofolio! Nice!

    • Thank you! Also, I'm a huge fan of your photos titled "Roxanne in the woods"

  • Vittoria ... are you still modeling? Do you ever come to NYC? Is your hair still long?

    • Hey sorry for the aggressively late reply, I am still modelling, my hair is still long but I'm currently too poor to come to NYC. I'll definitely reach out when I'm financially able to make it down :)

  • Absolutely gorgeous. If you are ever in the west let me know. Would love to imprint you on my sensor .

  • Beautiful and very gracious !

    Would love to work with you !

    • I'll definitely reach out next time I plan to be in your area! Your work is beautiful!

  • You are Mother Nature's child. Great work.

  • All of your photographs are, that is to say, you are very lovely. Best wishes.

  • Simply Outstanding work!

  • Great Portfolio!

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