about Virginia (vng2)
I have been modelling now for a few years and have enjoyed working with a variety of individuals including film producers and directors, designers, event organizers, make up artists, hair stylists, store owners, photographers, and other models. I started modelling when I was 19 years old. I had just started attending university, completing my undergraduate degree in Psychology, when one of my roommates at the time, who used to model had suggested I give it a try. Throughout my life I had never thought I could model, I didn't think I looked good enough to. Then after some consideration, and more convincing from my roommate, I started exploring some commercial model agencies in Toronto and thought I would submit an application to one. I didn't think I would get a response, but in a week or so, I received a phone call and they asked me to come in with some photos. After my second interview with them I had signed on, and started modelling. I had first started with television but since then, I have wanted to explore other areas of modelling. I had become obsessed, researching and following the fashion and commercial industry in my spare time. I would rip out magazine pages and cover my walls in them; I would look up videos of fashion models I liked and try to copy their poses or walks; in a sense, I was obsessed and I gained confidence in myself along with it.