about Ursa Minor
Experienced Art Model, Life Model and Self-portraitist. I am passionate about art and skilled in discussion and constructive criticism. My art school background helps me to have a solid understanding of color and composition, as well as a well-rounded idea of how to translate ideas from concept to creation.
Lots 0f emotive work in your portfolio. Lovely and artistic.
I'd love to work with you
Outstanding work! The way you utilize the background whether it be nature or else where really captivates the audience. Your photos really express emotion and take you into the moment. Just WOW! Great work! Thank you for sharing it here with us!
Your work is lovely.
great, I am very interested....
Powerful body of work.
Really enjoyed looking through your portfolio. I note from your bio blurb you say you have had a tendency to do creepy, weird shots but your portfolio reminds me of the 'Americana' movement from the 70's. I feel I should be listening to The Bands "Music from Big Pink' as I view your images. Look forward to seeing more. M :-)
Thank you so much for the comment on my work :) Yours is lovely as well!
Let me know if you plan to be in the Portsmouth / Durham NH area anytime.
I'm working on a series of fine-art reflections in water in the Lamprey River that runs through my backyard and would love to work with you. Please check out my portfolio to see the kind of work I do, and then let me know if you are interested in working with me.
Dick Lord
Durham, NH
Thank you so much for the kind words Ursa Minor, I greatly appreciate it!
I highly recommend Ursa-Minor - she is prompt, creative, and well-versed in art, so her poses have a timeless beauty. Great model who I look forward to working with again.
Mutual admiration and inspiration, continue being beautifully unique xo
It's a pleasure to analyze your work! ...Great artistry!
Talking about an absolutely amazing portfolio!!! I look forward to watching your amazing work, continue to grow!!!!