about Tilly McReese
Full time model and actress. Now accepting paid work, and limited content trade. My rates are reasonable and negotiable depending on the shoot. I am always available to travel provided all expenses are fully paid. http://www.facebook.com/tillymcreesemodel
I am available for many genres, including but not limited to: fetish, glamour, pinup, nudes, commercial, fashion, and beauty. I am proficient with my own styling and makeup, however I do not mind using a makeup artist for your own paid shoot provided it is discussed ahead of time. I have no tattoos, piercings or other body modifications.
Thank you for visiting my little corner of the interweb. I look forward to working with you!
Your love and passion for the art really shines. Every images is a masterpiece! @guycarnegie
Beautiful portfolio, thanks for sharing!
Such a creative and beautiful body of work!!
I enjoyed having you in my lens for 11 minutes
Greetings Tilley,
Joe, Inspiring Portraits; Nspiringportraits.com. May I have the pleasure of meeting you here in FXBRG?
Thank you,
Joe Bleach
540/ 379-9651
Nice to see you here beautiful!
Welcome!!!!! :)