about Skinnythemodel
Experienced model of 7+ years in print and runway. Traveling model in many genres of art such as Fashion, Athletic, Nude, Implied, Cosplay, Beauty, Glamour and more. Based in Nashville, Tennessee and currently accepting international bookings. My goal is to expand into expressive and more artistic nude art.
I just noticed that you are here
Wow. I'm blown away by the quality of your work. @guycarnegie
WOW! Your stunning looks & fabulous portfolio can only be described as amazinglygobsmackinglyhypermegatasticallysuperliciouslyfunkadelicallysplendiferousgorgeouslystupendous!
I love your work. We need to work together soon.
Very nice and expressive work ! I love your portfolio.
Hello Skinny,really nice your portfolio, Im a italian painter and I would have the pleasure of having a collaboration with you for the realization of a painting. Let me know if you are interested in my project. Just google my name so you can see my works.
Riccardo Scavo
Welcome to MS!! Great work!!
Beautiful. work. If ever in NY ... look me up.
thank you so much. Soon as i set dates for New York i will message you.
Welcome to Model Society! We're loving your portfolio, beautiful work! We can't wait to see what else you create here with the community :) Let us know if we can help with anything along the way!
Thank you so much for your support😍. More awesome content will be dropping soon. Thank you so much for adding me to the galleries within the site.