Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Professional internationally published model with the motto: Naked Is Good. I am an artist. I have no other motivations other than to create art. I could never see myself as anything... more
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Model Sarah



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Model Sarah

about Model Sarah


Professional internationally published model with the motto: Naked Is Good. I am an artist. I have no other motivations other than to create art. I could never see myself as anything but an artist in some sense. Traveling the world for the past 10+ years modeling professionally has really opened my eyes to the beauty of this planet and the people.

Please Read:

I am happy to work with photographers at all stages of learning. I very much enjoy helping and creating art with new/aspiring photographers as well as working with well established ones. I will not flake on you. I take my living seriously. I firmly believe that hiring a professional model makes your job as a photographer easier and also lets the creativity come alive and flourish. I love what I do. I love helping others create to the best of my ability. It's what drives me. I much prefer working with people multiple times. I think that working with others who want to create will only help the creative process all around.
My rates are reasonable and negotiable. I do not trade. This is my living. I'm one of the few art models on Model Mayhem that models for a living. I cannot eat prints/jpegs, they might taste funny for dinner! Speaking of dinner, I may consider trading for a table at The French Laundry or Le Bernardin. No, I'm not kidding. I'm a gourmet cook and a foodie in my off season. If you have a budget let me know and we can do our best to work within it. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you want to work together!

As of 2018 I'm scaling back heavy travel and focusing on more "local" artists. If you're in any of the surrounding states of Ohio, send me a message!

Please note: I do not do workshops and I do not travel internationally any longer. (Unless you want to fly me to Greenland or Antarctica - nope not a joke.)


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  • Wonderful body of work. You are truly an inspiration.

  • Your photos are Powerfully Emotive, Spellbinding, and Beautiful in So Many Ways!! Your Portfolio is Amazing, I Really Love Your Work, You have a follower!! I wish you All the Best, and I look forward to seeing more of your Incredible work!!

  • Your portfolio is awesome. I live in Muncie, IN. Is that close enough for you to travel? Love your art.

  • I adore your art! Such a strong, vibrant portfolio!

  • Good luck here and welcome... Naked is good!... I like that although I think you make look better than I do...

  • It's great finding you here, Sarah. We've talked in the past, and you've shot with my good friend Tony Thompson. -richard