about Mila
I've been modeling for over a decade in the woods, lakes and rivers of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, on the shores of Lake Superior. My hope for these images is that they draw you inside, suspend time...and in that fathomless space between one heartbeat and the next, ignite an awareness of the strength and grace of the human body and our intimate connection to the natural world. To enter this state of grace, nudity is necessary as well as beautiful.
And besides, it has been said that I'm afraid of clothes....I won't deny it. If you want to put me in clothes and take pictures of me, SHOO.
I joined this community to share my art and connect with others for whom art is a lifestyle. I am honored to be part of such a splendid community of artists. There isn't enough time in the day for me to appreciate all of you properly. Thank you for viewing my work!
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"Nude Closeup," a collection compiled by EG Irwin.
Article on ModelSociety.com: 'Mila! Adventure, Nude Photography, and Art Modeling.' http://modelsociety.com/blog/mila-nude-photography-and-art-modeling/
Article by CulturedWoman: "Nature Nude Art Model Mila of Marquette, MI." http://glamourphotography.co/models/nature-nude-art-model-mila-of-marquette-michigan/
"Venus Resplendent" by Risen Phoenix Photo
"Monday Nudes: Selected Photographs and Other Observations by Billy Monday" (2018, Vision Cave Press)
Truly inspired portfolio! Every image a masterpiece of astounding caliber. Your bold poses and strong lines are sensational. You’re a true talent and natural beauty! Keep up the exceptional work.
Very lovely work.
Thank you for all your beautiful images!
What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!
Really beautiful work. Inspiring!
I don’t suppose you get down to Indiana?
I am going to have to move to Michigan... 🤣
Not that I'm comparing and should not be, but this is one of the most creative portfolios I've seen on the site. Superb posing and thematically superior to any run of the mill nude image. This is what the "art" is all about, bravo!
Wacky and wonderful. Cheers
I want to make a trip back up to the UP but this time I want to make it strictly a photo trip. I would like to shoot with you as you know all the best areas to shoot at. If you are interested please message me at wildeye.photo@hotmail.com I don't have a date set so pretty much open anytime this summer of 2020 Love your work and your beautiful figure!
I don't know what I love more: the stunning and captivating beauty of your artistry, or your witty and humorous profile descriptions (you really should write a book). Thank you so much for sharing your art and wit with the world!
Thank you again for a terrific, productive couple of days shooting. Your creativity, eye, and willingness to do whatever is necessary for the image make working with you an incredible joy; looking forward to next time!
Stellar Body of Art - You are truly an Artists dream canvas
What's up lady?? Still hang out here?? ;)
Sure do! Have to limit how often I come here though, because it eats up HOURS. I love looking at nudies. :)))
Ha, same here!!! Art made with the human body is so beautiful!!!
Absolutely Stunning. Keep up the great work!