about Magena Yama
Art-Model and Shibari performer specialized in fashion nude, fetish and erotic photographyItaly-based available worldwide!
INFO and BOOKING: info@magenayama.net. send me a message here also on tumblr if you are sending me an email, please:)
some of my references:
Alberto Lisi, Padova www.albertolisi.com
Alberto Rugolotto, http://rugol8.com
Bryon Paul Mccartney, Zurich www.bryonpaulmccartney.com
Daniel Topic, Milano/Paris laurentvu.perso.sfr.fr/daniel/index.html
Frederic Fontenoy, Paris www.fredericfontenoy.com
Gaetano Mansi, Roma www.mansi.net
Hamish Scott-Brown, Glasgow www.hamishscottbrown.com
Lady Tarin Milano www.ladytarin.com
Marc Hervouet, Paris www.marchervouetstudio.com
Maurizio Cattelan,
Nicolas Le Forestier, Paris www.nicolasleforestier.net
Pascal Pierrou, Paris www.pascalpierrou.com
Pasquale Maria Salerno, Firenze www.impossiblephotos.com
Patrizia Fiandanese, Milano
Pierpaolo Ferrari, Milano www.pierpaoloferrari.com
Quentin Caffier, Paris www.quentincaffier.com
Renée Jacobs, Los Angeles www.reneejacobs.com
Stefan Rappo, Paris www.stefan-rappo.com
Settimio Benedusi, Milano www.benedusi.it
Toni Thorimbert, Milano www.tonithorimbert.com
Such a stunning portfolio. Really beautiful work!
Your photos are Captivating, Powerfully Evocative, and Beautiful Beyond Imagination!! Your Portfolio is Inspiring, I Really Love Your Work, You have a follower!!
interesting model!
Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful. I love your work, your confidence, how you are able to bring it, own it, and make the image speak to the viewer. Your modelling is bold, original, powerful, seductive and inspiring.. Thank you for sharing.
I Love your portfolio. Brilliant and Beautiful look, figure and work.
let me know if you are in the Seattle area in 2015
Fantastic portfolio!