Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Thank you for visiting my profile. I am an experimental theatre director and performer. I began modeling as a side project but it has developed into one of my main passions. I'm... more
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Madeline Reynolds



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Madeline Reynolds

about Madeline Reynolds


Thank you for visiting my profile. I am an experimental theatre director and performer. I began modeling as a side project but it has developed into one of my main passions. I'm interested in how all these different mediums of physical expression can share a dialogue, and ask how I can use each of these forms to expand my work in all the others. I prefer to collaborate with photographers who want their images to prompt an experience for their audience, who strive beyond a pleasing aesthetic.

I have over 20 years of training in mixed martial arts and dance, and perform aerial work now as well.


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  • Your love and passion for the art really shines. Every images is a masterpiece! @guycarnegie

  • I came to your portfolio through Jyves collection, Art of Portraits. Glad I did. Obvious you have the talent of the Performing Arts, and now as a fine art model. Looking forward to seeing more.

    • Gratitude for your kind words. Your work is wonderful as well and I look forward to watching your portfolio. Appreciatively, Madeline

  • Exceptional work! So emotive and powerful.

    • Gratitude for the kind words- Please reach out if you'd like to shoot together later in the year. Your work is beautiful.

      With warmth,

  • Such a strong, provocative and beautiful body of work!!

  • You have some truly lovely imagery in your portfolio. I look forward too seeing more in the future.

  • Very nice work. Love your look. Hopefully some day we may be able to collaborate. ~jorge

    • Thank you, Jorge. I'd be glad to work with you. I'll be back in Massachusetts this summer so will reach out to you then. Thank you for following my work!

  • Power to you Madelaine...until we cross...

    • Yes, very much looking forward to our next encounter! All the best to you and all your projects!

  • An engaging portfolio of strength and natural beauty! - David Verzi, The Warren Communications

  • Wonderful work!. Congratulations

    • Thank you very much, Jose- same to you

    • Jose, my trip is very flexible and I can let you know if a visit to your area will be possible. I will write to you in the next few weeks about it. Thank you! Madeline

    • Thanks for visiting my page. I would like to be able to make a photo session on your trip to Spain, but the city where I live is too far from Barcelona

  • Wonderful work! Welcome aboard. Looking forward to seeing more. Let us know if we can help with anything.

  • Great work, love your MM page, too!

  • What a beautiful, expressive body of work.