Welcome Full-time professional, international model based in Trondheim
I work all over the world with professional photographers and hobbyists.
My unique and exotic looks come from Cyprus. My personality was made in Yorkshire.
I will not pose in a way that portrays me in a degrading or overtly sexual way.
It is important to me that W O M E N are portrayed artistically, with truth, depth, beauty, personality and dignity.
*I am happy to travel anywhere as long as my travel expenses are covered, all receipts can be provided* I use the train for UK based shoots, it ensures I arrive in full makeup, on time and ready to shoot
I am full of creativity and energy! I love to work to music, and I enjoy being photographed! I always try to set up a mood or storyline to my images.
#comesayhello #shootme #becausewelovewhatwedo #artist #ilookgoodnaked #latinbeauty #loveyourbody #yes #nudenotporn
Gorgeous images
You're portfolio is an absolute inspiration. An authentic muse. Your talent, natural ability, and beauty are well represented. Keep up the outstanding work!
Such a stunning portfolio. Really beautofil work Mishkah!
Love your work! Stunning, Powerful!
Your photos are Captivating, Powerful, Resonate with intense Emotion, and Profoundly Beautiful!! Your Portfolio is Amazing, I Really Love Your Work, You have a follower!! It's a shame you're so far away, it would be an Honour and Privilege to create with you!! I wish you All the Best, and I look forward to seeing more of your Incredible work!!
love the images here, terrific range, so much emotion!
Its' great to see your uncensored work on here!!
beautiful poses
Mind Blowing Body of ART!!
Your portfolio is so glorious. I cannot believe how beautiful some of your images are. Thank you so much for sharing your art with the world.
Just so adorable! The greatest!
Very statuesque! wonderful model.