They're in a great collection of male nude art and fit here, really.
Maybe some of my modelling would fit here too but that would be bragging and far from modesty - if people like them they may create their own collections. :)
It definitely fit into the level of quality and, hopefully, inspiration that I strive for in this collection.
I really hopwe more artists and photographers would like to use male models.
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Thanks again for adding my latest image of Leon to your gallery.
Thanks for adding my latest work with Leon to your gallery. Much appreciated
Beautiful collection! Just added it as one of this week's featured galleries on the homepage. Thanks for putting this together :)
Thank you. I'm happy to be counted among such strong company.
Awesome is awesome and should be acknowledged.
Thanks for adding another of my images to your gallery. Much appreciated. Jon
I'm happy to hear and it's definitely fit for the theme.
Many thanks, Lars for adding two of my images to your wonderful gallery, much appreciated.
You're welcome and I hope they are found inspiring to others wanting to create fine nude art with models such as me.
Lars thanks for adding my image!!
All four of them are definitely solid examples fitting into this gallery's theme!
Thanks so much for including one of my images in your beautiful gallery!
The world really need to see positive aspects of the male nude and not assign all of beauty, attractive, sexy etc to female bodies in general.
For sure I say that also in my own interest as marginalised male nude art model. :)
Thanks for curating 2 of my images!
They're in a great collection of male nude art and fit here, really.
Maybe some of my modelling would fit here too but that would be bragging and far from modesty - if people like them they may create their own collections. :)
Thanks so much Lars! This set was definitely my favorite set build!
Well done, indeed.
Thanks again Lars!
You're most welcome.
Thank you so much for including my image in this wonderful gallery!
Thank You Ever So Much for including my Self-Portrait in your gallery, It's Truly an Honour!
If it's creative, awesome, inspiring or similar it's welcome here. Thanks!
Thanks for adding my work to your gallery. It's good to know someone likes it.
It's an inspiring location and I'm having a hard time decoding if it's maybe some industrial or agricultural abandoned place?
Thanks for adding my work to your gallery. Greatly honoured. Jon
It definitely fit into the level of quality and, hopefully, inspiration that I strive for in this collection.
I really hopwe more artists and photographers would like to use male models.