about Floofie
Hi there I'm Floofie, a freelance model since 2005, hailing from Portland, OR. I travel a lot so check up on my schedule to see where I'm going ^.^TRAVEL
You have an absolutely inspired portfolio! It reflects well, your natural beauty and grace. You’re very talented. I look forward to seeing more of your breathtaking work.
Very lovely work. Nice seeing you here ;)
Such a stunning portfolio. Really beautofil work!
Found you here!
Your photos are Captivating, Powerfully Evocative, and Beautiful Beyond Imagination!! Your Portfolio is Inspiring, I Really Love Your Work, You have a follower!!
Hey, this is Tom from Florida. I just joined this site and have posted some of our maternity pics! I hope to see you again this year.
A lot of great images in your portfolio
How was I not aware that you were here too? Followed!
A smorgasbord of artistic, visual delights.
Love your work! Have always been a fan. Florida 2018?
Your work is so lovely, Floofie - thanks for sharing.
Beautiful work.
Editor-in-chief/Head Photographer
Flooooooofie :)
Great to see you here, now I need to visit this site more often, haha
Floofbulous? Is that a word? Well, it is now.
A true pleasure creating with you. Absolute gorgeous work.