about Fiori
I'm a travelling young woman. My name is Flora. Originally from the Netherlands. Though I like to view myself as a free soul. I don't feel attached to any specific place or country. I love nature in general and would like to live in a natural, peaceful environment. I am saving up money to purchase a small property in a yet to be discovered location smile The last few years I have been travelling with friends & living in different countries (see my travel update at the bottom of my profile). I started doing some modelling through Model Mayhem here in Australia, & have enjoyed it.
I DO NOT do : anything sexual. So no insertion, sex toys, POV etc. Please respect my boundaries & I will respect you.
See my lists with favourites here on MM, or on DeviantART. I would be happy to try any of those ideas smile http://analah8.deviantart.com/favourites/
Please provide me with detailed information when you are interested in working with me. This saves a lot of back 'n forth emailing, and just creates a good start of our collaboration I have found. Please include :
1. Your name
2. Location of the shoot
3. Budget for the shoot
4. Potential dates for the shoot
5. Approximate length in hours of the shoot
6. Do you provide outfit/makeup/food etc?
7. What will the photos be used for?
8. Do you have a model release form?
9. A link to examples of your work (if not provided on MM).
PLEASE NOTE: I travel with a friend and he usually drives me as I myself don't have a driver's license. This does not mean he always has to be present at the shoot ~ though he can have an additional value (creative ideas, assist, and he makes me smile :D
I am willing to travel for paid assignments.
At the moment I do not do TFP/TFCD. I will consider it with exceptional photographers, who add something to my portfolio.
* * * Additional information about my body:
0. I do not drink, smoke or do drugs.
1. No tattoos or piercings.
2. I do not shave my pubic area ( I trim it a bit ofcourse). I will only consider shaving it completely,if it is for a very well paid assignment.
3. Due to a very bad appendicitis surgery in Turkey... I have a scar on my belly. Running vertically, from below my belly button till me pubic hair.
4. In daily life I wear glasses.
5. My belly & hips area is my weak area of my body. I wouldn't say I am fat wink But there's some more fat there + the scar.
6. Many photographers have said that I am flexible. I dont do any dancing. Though I have done some yoga a few years ago.
7. I try to live healthy and eat organic as much as possible.
8. I'm a very natural person & lots of makeup does not suit me very well.
* * * Additional information about my personality:
0. As mentioned above: I am a free soul and don't want to conform to cultural norms.
1. This does not mean I am a rebel. I am actually a very calm and gentle person. Though also observative and critical smile
2. I am picky with who I work with. There are many odd characters out there. I prefer not to waste my energy to people with a bad vibe or intentions, even if they offer me a lot of money. If I doubt a photographers intentions or want to feel safe as the shoot might be in a secluded area, I will ask you to send your photo to my email.
3. I do not feel comfortable being in situations where a lot of drinking, smoking etc goes on.
4. I find that I suit best in natural settings.
5. In my experience so far, I have noticed that shoots of 3 hours are ideal. I dont make bookings for less than 2 hours. Unless you offer a lot of money & you are still a good person ;)
* * * Travel Update:
till 20/1 : Melbourne
21/1 - 3/2 : Perth
5/2 - 25/2: India
1/3 - ..... : Europe
Such a wonderful body of work. I am inspired. @guycarnegie
Creative and exciting model
Very lovely presence in all that you do...would love to photograph you here in the States.