about Eclipse Monday
Full time traveling un-explicit fine-glamour-art nude freelance model.
Some of the genres I model:
-Artistic- Figure- Fashion- Fitness- Yoga-
My website or email is the best way to get in touch with me!
Base Location:
• Based in LA / OC area.
• In Costa Rica yearly to visit my boyfriends family.
• I am from Colorado.
Thanks for following my work. You've always been on my bucket list. My studio is in NW Ohio is an 1854 convent and girls school converted into artist space. Beautiful architecture. Love your work.
What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!
Your Photos are Powerfully Emotive, Edgy, Intense, and Beautiful on So Many Levels!! Your Portfolio is Amazing, I Really Love Your Work, You have a follower!! I wish you All the Best, and I look forward to seeing more of your Stunning work!!
You have so many beautiful images and poses.
Epic Art. Exotic beauty!
you have an amazing Portfolio!
Love your work - thanks for the inspiration.
Amazing work.
It was wonderful to work with you recently. Really happy we had time to shoot on your visit. Thanks again Eclipse.
love your work,great versatile poses, thnx for following
Thanks. I always enjoy working with you.
Sorry, but this week, it was Eclipse-Sunday… just sayin'…
Thanks for following me here and the 'follow'… I hope that we can work together someday, I'm sure that it would be awesome...
Absolutely LOVE working with you - I'd recommend you to anyone. Great seeing you here!
Great variety!...good luck!