Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Modeling since 2014. Half Filipina, half Cuban. Based in San Diego. Occasional traveler. Petite and proportionate. Long wavy/curly dark brown hair. No tattoos. Fit and... more
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Crystal Wings



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Crystal Wings

about Crystal Wings


Modeling since 2014.
Half Filipina, half Cuban.
Based in San Diego.
Occasional traveler.

Petite and proportionate.
Long wavy/curly dark brown hair.
No tattoos.
Fit and flexible (I rock climb, hike, and practice yoga).

Experienced in modeling many different styles; my strongest theme is artistic nudes.

In 2016, I decided to take the plunge and make modeling my full-time job. It was a scary decision but I've gratefully been able to get by since. I've worked with so many amazing artists and I hope to continue to do so for as long as I can.


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  • Beautiful portfolio

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • I love your energy, I just moved to San Diego/La Jolla. Would love to create. I shoot mostly 35mm film but digital too.

  • What a Delight it is to see you here, Your Work is Magical as Ever!!! I still hope to have the Honour and the Privilege pf creating with you one day!! I wish you All the Best, and I look forward to seeing more of your Incredible work!!

  • Thank you again, Crystal! I so look forward to shooting with you. We are not that far away from each other.

  • Crystal -

    I think the photo is so funny. I'm glad you liked it 😊

  • Have you ever been to NYC?

  • Such lovely images and soulful effects. I am so looking forward to shooting with you when this mess abates...

  • What a beauty. I miss you.


  • And the same to you, Crystal...

  • I have just become a high tier Patreon supporter, Crystal; I am located in Newport Beach and hope to shoot with you once the COVID-19 lockdown is safely over.

    • Thank you so much Evan! ♥ I can't wait to create with others again. Hope you're staying safe.

  • Crystal -

    I saw your approval of the photo I posted of you. I' glad you approve but there are some more that I've edited that are so much better.

    I am working on a submission to Model Society magazine that includes you and nine or ten additional models similarly lit. Ideally, they will dedicate a portion or entire magazine to the photos. I hope that you would be on board with that idea.

    I wish travel was safe because I really want to get you to model again.

    I would also like to hear what you have to say about April. You started but I got the idea that there was more.

    Anyway, take care, and be well.



  • Stunning portfolio - creative, beautiful, lithe, feminine, powerful and athletic and divine beauty - thanks for your inspiration - Phillip

  • Crystal -

    It's difficult to find a photo from our shoot that isn't outstanding. Thanks for traveling here to model for me.


  • exotic, powerful, and original

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