about Bronzed.In.Beauty
I no longer focus solely on glamour and sexiness and I don't try to cater to the mainstream. My style has become more about art, personality, story-telling, and concepts. ART is an EXPRESSION of life. It's constantly evolving. I use my body as my paintbrush to create beautiful images that move others.
Being healthy, unique, and positive are things that I pride myself on. Reaching out to others is my passion. My success thus far into my career comes from being myself and finding my own way. I've never had an idol and I don't believe in having idols. I will ALWAYS be a leader & I will NEVER follow. My head is set to achieving my own goals and becoming the person i was meant to be.
Wow. I'm blown away by the quality of your work. @guycarnegie
Great port, would love to collaborate.
powerful stuff...