Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Hi, I am Bianca. I am a bodybuilding athlete and also a Personal Coach. I compete in bodybuilding competitions and love training and coaching others! I model for fun but also... more
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about Bia



I am Bianca.
I am a bodybuilding athlete and also a Personal Coach.
I compete in bodybuilding competitions and love training and coaching others!

I model for fun but also professionally- I enjoy it a lot and have more than average experience due to my competitions that require a lot of posing practice.

I love to show my body off- I train a lot and I am proud to show my results.
I am also a licensed Personal Coach for training and nutrition ( I coach normal people that want a better, healthier life but also athletes that participate in competitions).

Creative and unique ideas are also always open!

I love to experiment with different scenes, ideas and concepts!


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  • fascinating

  • Wonderful work.

  • Very beautiful and artistic works!

  • You have so many incredible photographs. Impossible to choose a favourite!

    • oh thank you - that is highly appreciated

  • Hello Bia, cool work. Let us keep in touch. I`m from Cologne, too ;-)

    • heei! you are? I am currently in really good shape again and doing shootings! hit me up on insta @bia_sculp or @bia__photoart

  • What an outstanding portfolio

  • Love ur gallery , you are quite athletic

    • thank you so much! I compete in bikini bodybuilding shows and train a lot :)

  • Really amazing art! 👏

  • Hello Bia! What a beautiful portfolio!! It would be amazing to be able to do some work together :)

    • thank you so much! Would love to! maybe one day

  • Thanks for the add to your gallery - and your portfolio is impressive!

  • Beautiful Seduction embraced by ART

  • Your photos are Mesmerizing, Powerfully Emotive, and Immeasurably Beautiful!! I Really Love and Admire Your Work, You have a new follower!!

    • Thank you so much !! highly appreciate it!

    • Aww... The Pleasure is Entirely Mine, You are Most Welcome BIA!!! Your work left me speechless, you are Incredibly Talented and your work is Absolutely Gorgeous!! It's a shame you're so far away, it would be an Honour & Privilege to create with You!

  • Really love the strength, the confidence, and the daring of your work, absolutely magnetic!

    • thank you!! I love modeling a can express so much

  • Amazing thighs. If you someday visit the Raleigh, NC area, I will shoot you . Sehr schön.

    • Thank you! I would love to visit such a far away place - have never been

  • Hallo Bianca, Sehr schöne Ergebnisse in deinem Portfolio. Auch deine Herangehensweise an die Fotografie gefällt mir sehr gut. Emotion ist ein wichtiges Element bei der Erstellung eines Bildes. Wenn sich die Gelegenheit ergibt, würde ich mich über eine Zusammenarbeit auf jeden Fall freuen. Grtz, Jos.

    • Hi Jos

      sehr vielen Dank! much appreciate your compliments!
      würde mich freuen wenn wir zusammenarbeiten können

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