about AnastasiaA
NYC based freelance art model, photoactress, professional muse, world traveler, restless dancer, beauty addict, and life lover. Organizing a model photography event in Sicily, Italy in September. Check followme.anastasiakole.com for info, model lineup and price.
Absolutely sensational portfolio. Very dynamic, excellent representation of your natural beauty! Keep up the outstanding work!
Mind Blowing Portfolio. Truly inspiartional
Gorgeous work here.
I'm in long Island till friday. Looking to shoot for a commission. Please reach out if you're available.
Such a stunning portfolio. Really beautofil work!
I would love to shoot with you. If you ever come to SLC, I hope you'll let me know.
I was thrilled to shoot with you at the AZSO. Once in a while, I still post or hang an image of you on my wall. Simply timeless images from a beautiful Woman.
You have been a true inspiration ever since I took up figure drawn. Thank you for all you do!
Congratulations Anastasia for being honored with the cover feature. Wow, that is Awesome and well deserved my friend!
I haven't been on this site on a long time and look who I see on the popular front page :)
I should log in and utilize this site more often.... Great to see you here Anastasia,
Hope to see you someday in Spain.
Such beautiful work here A!!!!
Such classic beauty. I almost believed they didnt make that anymore. I would love to work with you one day and add that beauty to my art.
Fancy meeting you here. lol