Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Dancer/Model Duo A-K Arts (Aaron & Kitty) have so many years of professional modeling experience throughout the country with hundreds of photographers & artists. Working with all... more
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A-K Arts



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A-K Arts

about A-K Arts


Dancer/Model Duo

A-K Arts (Aaron & Kitty) have so many years of professional modeling experience throughout the country with hundreds of photographers & artists.
Working with all skill levels collaborating on conceptual and emotive imagery from California to Maine, and back. They love to travel to on location shoots, "Shoot-Cations", exploring dunes, deserts, streams, deep back woods of in the middle of Nowhere America, abandoned power plants, body painted nude in front of the Guggenheim, you get the point. everywhere. anywhere.

In addition....Aaron has a background as a professional contemporary ballet dancer adding that extra little bit to your shoot. Jumps are his speciality along with headstand of course. He is strong & very flexible!

We are interested in Art!

In addition to modeling, we are developing a multifaceted art space in Dogpatch neighborhood of San Francisco, which we call:
Little Boxes Theater
This a Day-light Studio with a full 30ft wall of west facing windows, providing spectacular natural afternoon delights. Silhouetted shoot opportunities and sunsets skies in the background!
We have pro lighting equipment, strobes, modifiers, pocket wizards, slaves, c stands, tons of fabric backdrops & the usual black, white, grey and green screen paper drops, 12 par 56 theater lights, and quite few other lights kicking around along with endless vintage props & unique wardrobe.

Kitty also has one-of-a-kind wearable metal art creations that love to be photographed on the nude body :)

Contact us for your next dream shoot!
Also find us here for group shoots & workshops, events & other fun activities:


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  • I'd love to work with you

  • I love dance and human body move, excellent work!

  • Inspirational work. I'm going to have to try some of these styles.

  • Lovely showcase image!

  • I’m impress, love all the stories you bring in your photos

  • Love what you both do!

  • you guys are awesome....nice to have stumbled on your work!

  • Beautiful Work you make, beautiful indeed.

  • Great work, you two!

  • Thank You David. Yourself as well! Lovely warm and romantic work you have.

  • What an awesome, exciting, creative, theatrical and unique body of work. I'm inspired!