Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

"He doesn't love me because I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful because he loves me." - Julie Andrews more
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Sublime Ape



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Sublime Ape

about Sublime Ape


"He doesn't love me because I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful because he loves me."
- Julie Andrews


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  • Thank you so much for adding 5 of my images into your galleries

  • Thank you for adding my image to your gallery I appreciate it very much

  • Thank you for adding Beautiful Curves to your gallery

  • Thank you for adding Lovinias image to your gallery

  • Thank you for adding Lovinias image to your gallery

  • Thank you for adding Lovinias image to your gallery

  • Thank you for adding 2 of my new images to your galleries

  • Thank you for adding two of my images to your gallery

  • Thank you for adding several of my images to your galleries. Much appreciated.

  • Thank you so much for the 6 adds of my work to your galleries

  • Thank you for adding my photo your excellent gallery.

  • I just saw you added so many of my images into your various galleries. Thank you so very much

    • My pleasure. You've captured some of my favourite muses most exquisitely.

  • Thank you for the choice of 5 of my images for your curated galleries. BTW love your drawings

  • Superb work! Always flattered when you use one of my images for your works. Keep up the great work. Don't let anyone talk you out of it.

    • What an empath you are! I've been feeling down for quite some time now. These bouts of self-doubt and dissatisfaction keep plaguing me even after two score years of drawing (among others, 3 drawings based on your pics have been "under development" for more than a year now!). Thanks for the encouraging words. Hopefully I'll be able to finish some of them soon. Wishing you good health, joy and inspiration in the coming days!

  • Thank you for all the shares.

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