Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Paolo Lazzarotti

Artist / Photographer
Awarded and Published Fine Artist specialized in Nudes in the Nature and Landscapes. Shooting since 30+ years now and still avid and open to new experiences like a child! My... more
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Paolo Lazzarotti



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Paolo Lazzarotti

about Paolo Lazzarotti


Awarded and Published Fine Artist specialized in Nudes in the Nature and Landscapes.

Shooting since 30+ years now and still avid and open to new experiences like a child!

My awards and publications:

My Primordial Beauty book edited and published by Model Society:

My complete collection with more than 3700 photos and ebooks available here:


see all
  • You take photos that can decorate any interior. In a large format they will be like paintings by masters. Full of details that you see after time has passed.

    • So very warm words from you! In case you really want coming here and/or decorating your walls, I can satisfy any your desire!
      Great BW low key fom you!

    • Oh, so good to know you're visiting my country on a regular basis! You might want to consider a private course with a model of mine, in the Nature or indoor at your best convenience! DM me for further details if you're seriously interested!

    • Paolo! You are very nice. I am in Italy every month because I truly love this country. Especially South Tyrol. The Italian lifestyle has often inspired my photos. You have talent, your models have talent and together you are equal to Italian nature. You have a perfect mishmash. Who knows. Maybe we will actually meet :)

  • What vibrant, dreamy, emotionally tangible art you've co-created. Superb editing with such a diversity of styles & invocations. Bravo!

  • thanks a lot for following

  • Love your work!

  • You have stunning work with amazing quality of composition and lighting. you also have an amazing selection of very attractive models to complete your artistic vision

  • Thanks for sharing my photograph my friend

  • Phenomenal work, I need to make my way down to Italy ;)

    • Thank you and you're most welcome here! I can assist you in anything during your journey! Feel free to DM me for details!

  • Thank you for adding my image to your favorites!

  • A Master of womanly beauty, without doubt!

  • Absolutely great work. Stunning use of light, great sense for scenery, exquisite choice of models. Beautiful and sensual. I love it.

  • I'm really inspired by your work. Your eye for capturing the beauty of the female form is impeccable. Beautiful work!

  • Such a stunning portfolio. Really beautofil work!

  • So many great images... It is impossible to absorb all of them in one visit....

  • Beautiful images

  • Most inspiring portfolio. Incredible range of images, so much beauty here.

    • Thank you so much for your nice words! Keep your journey on, you're doing some nice work!

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