about Multigraffica
In the business 33 years with experience shooting retail fashion, sports fashion, lifestyle, & fine art nude portraiture as well as architecture, advertising and marketing photography. I'm on the platform hoping to connect with talent in my area (Ohio) for a series of photographs that aim to illustrate the power and intrinsic strength of women--exploring the female nude as a medium of both vulnerability and power. The body of work I will be creating is a series of multiple exposure photographs, the abstract visuals highlighting the fluidity and complexity of the female form, challenging the viewer to consider the body as something more than just an object of desire. Through the use of carefully composed and crafted multiple exposures, I'll convey the multidimensionality of women and challenge traditional notions of what that means. The images will be both intimate and ethereal, inviting the viewer to consider the female form as a source of power, self-expression & mystery.
thnx for sharing my friend
Wonderful portfolio, well done
Thank you for all those gallery additions.
This experience with Model Society has been so rewarding. The comments and additions keep me motivated.
Cheers, Edward—your body of work & vision has inspired me!
Thank you for adding that mirror image to your collection. She has been one of my best ever models to photograph.
I enjoyed going through your site with the multis. I have played with some of that technique but just wasn't sure about pursuing it...lots of time required!
Thanks, Ed! Very passionate about this body of work—it means a lot that you enjoyed it! Cheers!!!
Wonderful feeling of movement in your portfolio. Very unique work!
Sincere thanks, WJ! I’m captivated by human movement in imagery—really appreciate your comment 🥂☺️
What an awesome portfolio
Thank you for adding Melancholic to your gallery!
Thank you for the gallery listings and follow!
Welcome to Model Society! You have a beautiful portfolio that I enjoyed viewing. I want to encourage you to stay inspired and keep creating. The world is a much better place with art!
Best Regards, Tim :)
Fabulous images. Love your words too. We share a similar journey with our careers, I really relate to your quest to create meaningful work. Keep up the good work !
Cheers, mate! Love your images, too! Thanks for connecting--it's a pleasure to engage with other creators in a safe space rather than the usual competitive ones!
Welcome to Model Society! You have a lovely portfolio. So excited to see what else you create here with the community :) Let us know if we can help with anything along the way.
Thank you! I'm excited to be part of the community and hope to reach out to my fellow artists in a collaborative and meaningful way in the months and years to come!