Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

jean jacques andre

Artist / Photographer
I am now 89 years young , 2021 represents my 67th. year of figure photography. The length of time dedicated to this passion could be irrelevant if it was not for the lessons learnt... more
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jean jacques andre



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jean jacques andre

about jean jacques andre


I am now 89 years young , 2021 represents my 67th. year of figure photography. The length of time dedicated to this passion could be irrelevant if it was not for the lessons learnt trough the years.
Looking at the dramatic changes that have taken place during six decades in women behavior, taste and appearance, it is still the model who carries the torch to give inspiration, creativity, sensitivity and emotion to the work.
In celebration of these 67 years, my most sincere and heartfelt thank you to you all, muses and models who help create these unique and never ending splendid experiences.


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  • Did I mention that I love your work? Oh yeah, I did… But I’m still going to tell you again! Amazing portfolio!!!

  • I've just come across your portfolio. I could spend hours here. The work of a master artists. My respect!

  • Such a stunning portfolio. Really beautiful work!

  • Exceptionally creative, wonderfully surreal, and very inspiring work! So many jaw-dropping images!

  • Amazing work!! I absolutely LOVE your portfolio!

  • Thank you David, your choice in your selection is very important and inspiring.

  • once again big thank you for adding " Joan in white to your " Vision of Beauty" gallery.

  • thank you Model Society for adding Karen's bird to your " Gorgeous" gallery.

  • thank you Admin for this special addition .

  • merci Joseph pour l'inspiration que vos remarques me donne!

  • J'aime le coté sombre de vos images ou poésie, fantastique, mysticisme, mythologie et érotisme se mêlent.

  • Thank you for your kind words. Your work takes my breath away! If I become half the photographer you are, I would be ecstatic. Thank you again.

  • and thank you for sharing your exceptional portfolio with us all.

  • Your work is magical and inspiring! Thank you for sharing your imagination with us!

  • many thanks for your inspiring praise!!

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