Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

I am known as Digital Desires . When I first started digital art I created work in a variety of styles, of fantasy and surrealism trying to discover my own unique style.I like to ... more
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Digital Desires



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Digital Desires

about Digital Desires


I am known as Digital Desires . When I first started digital art I created work in a variety of styles, of fantasy and surrealism trying to discover my own unique style.I like to think of my art being special in many different ways from the creating process right through to the finished piece. I now love to create mostly what I think of as “Fantasy surreal Female Portraits." I do from time to time create using both male and female images.
My world of digital art also carries a touch of mystery about it which I think further brings to its uniqueness
All of my creations have a small sparrow in them , some obvious some not so obvious. I hope you enjoy my art and have fun looking for the Sparrow .


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  • Thank you for following our work and for giving us the opportunity to dicover your amazing art. Truly inspirational!

  • Hi, can you send me the art work , so i can inform Lucy and Aim. BTW great work again.

  • Thank you so m7ch for adding Renaissance Beauty to your gallery. You are free to create with this again . I would love to see what you come up with. She would make a beautiful Roman Goddess.

  • Your creations are truly next level magic. I am so impressed :)

  • Thank you for adding winged Victory to yo7r gallery

  • Absolutely brilliant body of work

  • Thanks for adding my image to your gallery

  • You have some truly outstanding art work, so lovely!

  • Thanks a lot for following!

  • Thank you for the gallery ad.
    You have an incredible portfolio, beautiful.

  • Thank you so much

  • Your whole style is amazing! if I had the time id go and comment on every image.

  • Mystical, Magical, Powerful! Trifecta

  • Always enjoy viewing your art... Outstanding portfolio.

  • What a deep and intriguing portfolio of work (your sparrows sent me off to read all about the mythology of the bird). Your work is simply spectacular and inspiring.

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