Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Charles Caramella

Artist / Photographer
Model Citizen
Chuck Caramella is an American fine art photographer based in the Southwest desert area of Arizona. His photographic expression was greatly influenced by growing up in this vast and... more
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Charles Caramella



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Charles  Caramella Model Citizen

about Charles Caramella


Chuck Caramella is an American fine art photographer based in the Southwest desert area of Arizona. His photographic expression was greatly influenced by growing up in this vast and quiet expansive desert. This quietness is reflected in much of his photographic imagery.

He has both a Fine Art’s degree and a degree in engineering. Chuck studied photography under the tutelage of Louie Bernal who was an accomplished fine arts photographer in his own right. Chuck strives to share his concept of the creative process, by presenting his vision, through photographic images. He seeks to unite the visual process and the emotional elements we call feelings. Chuck is decisively quiet yet open to learning all things possible. Chuck is inspired by the photography of Ansel Adams, Craig Morey and Robert Farber. Additionally, in many of his photographic images, he incorporates techniques emulating the painter’s soft approach to visual stimulation.

Chuck’s life mainly incorporated his education in engineering. But always, even during the era of film photography, his passion was in art as expressed through the photographic image. Now, that is his main focus.

Through skillful development and editing, Chuck’s images are usually simple in their presentation, yet transformative in nature. Thus, leaving the object of the image to be a formative creation in the viewer’s concept. Warm, dark and soft colors are often used to convey the feelings of his intentions. Thus, allowing the viewer to create their own world of perception.

Chuck is a creative and award-winning artist. His followers include all areas and continents. His work is primarily depicting the human form and expansive landscape vistas.

Chuck believes firmly in the words of Ansel Adams: "You don't make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved."


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  • Thank You for adding the image to your gallery!

  • Beautiful images.

  • Love your painterly style--a very fine portfolio!

  • Wonderful work! Great to see. Looking forward to more. Let us know if we can help with anything.

  • Beautiful creative work!