Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Stone Digital Art

Artist / Photographer
Model Citizen
I am a freelance CGI/VFX lighting specialist, bringing an extensive photographic background in studio and location shooting to the professional demands of creating visually believable... more
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Stone Digital Art



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Stone Digital Art Model Citizen

about Stone Digital Art


I am a freelance CGI/VFX lighting specialist, bringing an extensive photographic background in studio and location shooting to the professional demands of creating visually believable lighting solutions for virtual environments and other digital production applications.

While I do still occasionally dust off the camera to do some “real” photography, the bulk of my current artistic focus centres around virtual figure study work – a return to the genre I most enjoyed exploring early in my career. I attempt to create 3D renders that are comparable to the real-world counterparts I produced in the darkroom decades ago.

I choose to work with the Nude because I love the play of light over form...the subtle curves and graduations and shadings and tones of the human body. I also enjoy the pure technical challenge of creating a convincing illusion of reality from nothing.

As a preemptive response to those who aren’t in favour of CGI imagery, it's worth remembering that photography itself was (and to a degree is still) held in similar low esteem by the traditional art community. In my opinion an artist’s chosen medium should be irrelevant – what matters is whether the final result is evocative.


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  • Amazing work

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • My favorite kind of fine art done to perfection!

  • Love your work!

  • Love your use of light your low key work especially keep up the good work

  • This is a breathtaking portfolio, your highly developed skill with light and shade make so much room available for the art. Captivating work!!

    • Thank you Andrew. My years working as a studio photographer taught me quite a lot about lighting and now that the digital realm has reached near-real physical based rendering I can apply those skills to my virtual environment as well (with the added bonus of being able to "cheat" with some methods that would close to impossible to achieve in the real world). It's been great fun returning to this sort of expression once more.

  • This is a breathtaking portfolio, your highly developed skill with light and shade make so much room available for the art. Captivating work!!

  • Great work.

  • Excellent work - such care and thought - lovely

  • Loving the exploration of light and form in your studio sets!

  • Your artistry is fantastic. Some paint with a brush, others paint with a stylist pen and computer. Your are an artist.

    • Thanks! It's been fun trying to bring the same sensitivities to my 3D digital work that I used to employ in the studio. The subject remains (roughly) the same -- it's only the medium that has changed.

  • master pieces

  • Thank you for the very kind words on my profile! Your own work is very beautiful and very impressive--on first perusal I did not realize it was CGI! I particularly love your avatar image which I hope you will add to your Flickr page where I am also following you.

    • Thank you for your kind words.

      On my "to do" list is remake that profile shot using some improved posing controls I've developed (mostly the foot shape) and I'll likely preview that one on Flickr first to gauge response before I post it here.

  • Your portfolio is really beautiful (your bodyscapes are particularly stunning). Truly amazing work from you and your muses!