Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

For 50 years, as a sculptor and painter, I have been depicting the profound beauty and innocence of the nude figure at all periods of life. In particular my work has given the... more
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Roger Burnett



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Roger Burnett

about Roger Burnett


For 50 years, as a sculptor and painter, I have been depicting the profound beauty and innocence of the nude figure at all periods of life. In particular my work has given the Afro-Caribbean woman a pride in her own identity.

I hope that my work will encourage a new generation of painters to take courage and work with the nude. At my last count Model Society had 2103 photographs, 737 models but only 69 artists. And out the 69 there's very little in the way of actual painting. This is not to demean the excellent work done in other media (e.g. digital painting) but in terms of the painted nude, we in danger of losing a thread that has been there throughout history.

I have spent endless hours trolling the internet in search of other painters dedicated to depicting the beauty of the nude and find that there is very little out there. At this point in time Model Society is the one vehicle that is bringing about change in the way we view and depict the nude. In turn, I fervently hope that it will help restore the art of the painted nude.

I am grateful the members who have viewed and positively commented on my work. I equally welcome criticism as this also helps me to evaluate my work from the viewers stand point.

My diary pages at give a blow to blow account of the trials, tribulations and triumphs of innovatively working with the nude.


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  • So many wonderful renderings of the nude, especially your gestural watercolors. As someone who loves watercolor painting, it is refreshing to see your work here. Your sculpture work is inspiring as well.

  • Many thanks. I look forward to creating more.

  • You have a stunning portfolio. I hope to see more!

  • Great Work, Roger!!!

  • I definitely will! I love your work :)